I do not profess to know all the answers, yet alone try to predict what kinds of questions you have for me, for us, or for the blog. I am simply the facilitator. What I can try to do is wonder what kinds of things you may want to read the most. Do you want to know about medication? What about their side effects? I would sincerely be able to share only my personal experience the best, and then refer you to another better source hopefully, like drugs.com. But we all know that it does help to know someone who may have been on the same medication, and their intended effects. How does one cope day to day? Mental health is a 24/7 thing. I could go into detail of what it is like to be hospitalized or put in a psychiatric unit in a hospital, but I think that would be too personal, and then also everyone's experience is unique and confidential for sure. Let's keep it PG or at least PG-13 and be of the most relevant use to everyone here. What I can do, and will offer are my ideas and strategies for recovery. Perhaps we share some. If you can contribute to the site, some information, resources or things that you think will benefit a blog like this, feel free to contact me. I am a mental health consumer and have lived with mental health issues for more than 15 years.
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